Program "VidnovyDIM": glazing of balconies and loggias excluded from the list

Program "VidnovyDIM": glazing of balconies and loggias excluded from the list

The Supervisory Board of the Energy Efficiency Fund has removed the glazing of balconies and loggias from the list of eligible measures under the "VidnovyDIM" program. This was announced by the Fund's press center.

The exclusion of balcony and loggia glazing prioritizes measures that directly impact the comfort and livability of buildings. This will enable the Fund to provide grants for the restoration of damaged housing for a longer period.

At the same time, administrative burdens on HOAs have been reduced. The requirement to submit revised contractual prices, local cost estimates, and the final resource summary at the application stage for work completion has been abolished. HOAs will no longer need to prepare this extensive set of documents.

The changes apply to new applications.

As a reminder, within the framework of the "VidnovyDIM" program, the Energy Efficiency Fund finances construction work to restore residential buildings managed by HOAs that were damaged due to the military aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine.
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