The UK will continue to recognize the CE certificate for construction products

The UK will continue to recognize the CE certificate for construction products

Earlier, the UK government announced that it will continue to recognize the CE mark, but other rules will apply to construction products. Now the official website noted that the transition period for building products with a CE mark extended for 2.5 years.

Construction products with the CE mark can sell on the UK market until June 30, 2025. The UKCA mark of conformity is optional.

After Brexit, the UK government announced that construction products will need the UKCA mark. On November 14, 2022, the recognition of CE marking was extended for another 2 years for certain products. But there were doubts that construction products fall under this extension as they are covered by the upcoming "special sectoral arrangements". Now the government website states: "Our intention is to end recognition of the CE mark (for construction products - ed.) in GB on 30 June 2025."

However, the Glass for Europe association says that the GB needs to increase its testing capacity in the allotted 2.5 years. If the situation remains unchanged, EU Notified Bodies should be allowed to carry out Type Testing in support of UKCA Marking.
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