Ukrainian cities to be rebuilt according to 'New European Bauhaus' principles

Ukrainian cities to be rebuilt according to 'New European Bauhaus' principles

During visit to Ukraine, the EU College of Commissioners discussed with the Ukrainian government support for rebuilding cities. The aim is to create high-quality, sustainable and inclusive cities with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) community.

In March 2023, NEB, together with the Covenant of Mayors East, Ro3kvit and ReThink, will launch a programme to build the capacity of Ukrainian municipalities to prepare for the reconstruction.

A new 'Phoenix' initiative will support NEB's activities in Ukraine. The plan is to develop and share with Ukrainian cities the best practices of the NEB community.
Another area of work is to connect Ukrainian cities with like-minded ones in the EU to exchange experiences on the path to climate neutrality and energy efficiency.

The Horizon Europe Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and the LIFE programme will provide at least €7 million to fund these preparatory activities.

For reference.
The Active House Alliance of Ukraine recently noted that if the New European Bauhaus answers the question "what to do", the comprehensive Active House approach answers the question "how to do it". The Active House rating system takes into account comfort, energy efficiency, health and environmental safety.
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