Ukraine and the UK to extend cancellation of import duties for another five years
Перший віцепрем’єр-міністр України – Міністр економіки України Юлія Свириденко підписує Угоду № 3 про внесення змін до Угоди про політичне співробітництво, вільну торгівлю і стратегічне партнерство між Україною та Сполученим Королівством Великої Британії і Північної Ірландії

Ukraine and the UK to extend cancellation of import duties for another five years

In early February, Ukraine and the United Kingdom signed a new Agreement on Full Trade Liberalisation. Previously, the agreement was due to expire in 2022, and now it has been extended for another five years.

The agreement provides for the elimination of all import duties and tariff quotas in bilateral trade. It will be in force until 31 March 2029 with the possibility of an extension for a new term.
Ukraine has traditionally exported food products to the UK. However, according to the State Statistics Service, in 2022 and 2023, Ukrainian manufacturers of translucent structures shipped small batches of products to the UK. Most likely, it was the glazing of some buidings.

The agreement will enter into force after all domestic procedures are completed.
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