Traditionally, in October, the ift Rosenheim Window Technology Institute will hold the industry meeting "Rosenheim Window Days". The event will take place on October 9-10, 2024.
According to the organizers, the transformation of the economy towards greater sustainability and climate resilience opens new opportunities that the construction industry should seize, even if current new crises may seem more pressing. Therefore, the Rosenheim Days will be held under the motto "Sustainable Development in the Future."
The concept of "sustainability" has already become a market buying criterion. However, this term is often misused. As a result, the European Parliament is now working on the "EU Green Claims Directive." This involves new criteria that will prevent companies from making misleading claims about the environmental benefits of their products and services. The industry meeting will focus on how companies can prepare for the challenges of sustainable development and take advantage of the directive's requirements.
The event will also address the topics of the market potential of environmental sustainability and climate change resilience. Last year's discussion on adapting buildings to extreme climate conditions will continue.

Foto: ift Rosenheim
Autumn "Rosenheim Window Days" will focus on sustainable development in the future
ID no: 23256

Feb 20, 2025