Pursuant to Law 2320-IX (ua)↗️, enterprises whose activities generate waste shall ensure compliance with the waste management hierarchy in order to:
- prevention of waste generation;
- preparation of waste for reuse;
- recycling;
- waste recovery (including energy production);
- waste transfer.
Developers and demolition companies must ensure separate collection, accounting and transfer of waste (Article 13). It is necessary to prepare them for reuse, recycling or recovery.
And local governments should ensure the organisation of construction and demolition (Article 26).
Law 2320-IX may facilitate the establishment of a recycling plant for PVC window and door profiles.
According to a brochure from GO DESPRO (ua)↗️, only the metal reinforcement in PVC windows and doors can be recycled, while everything else must be sent to a landfill. >Glass, according to the Waste Management Procedure, can be used as a powdered aggregate for the production of concrete products, etc.